You shall know the truth and the truth shall
set you free (John 8:32). Only the
truth, which is God’s infallible word can set you free. The word of God is
spirit and life (John 6:63). It can’t
fail. When you believe the word and have faith in it, it can’t fail. It was
through the word of God that this world and everything in it was formed (Heb. 11:3). The word is God (John 1:1) and thus sustains all
creation (Heb. 1:3).
Therefore, if you are troubled in body and spirit,
afflicted by sickness and diseases, anxious and stricken with fear, having
daily nightmares and growing in skepticism, then you need to know the truth. Many
people in our society are being targeted by the devil, who is infiltrating
their lives with lies and deception. They have become prey to the devil because
they have given room to Satan. The word says ‘do not give room to the devil (Eph. 4:27)’, because that’s what he is
looking for. Though the devil is roaring like
a lion seeking who he can devour (1
Pet. 5:8). Understand that the devil is acting like a lion though he is not.
He is just a dog or an ant pretending to be a lion and seeking the weak to
devour. That is why the word of God says resist Satan and he will flee from you
(James 4:7). He can be resisted. Because
he is nothing. Jesus showed us the way to resist the evil in Matt. 4:4-11.
The devil should not be a factor in your life
and family. You can’t continue to live in fear. Rise, shine for your light has
come (Isa. 60:1). The light of Christ
has dawned on you (Eph. 5:14). Jesus
came to destroy the works of the devil (1John
3:8). So why is the devil still actively deceiving and tormenting you? It
is because you have given him room and he has been able to extinguish your
faith in the word of God. But I tell you, if you can take hold of the word of
God today and begin to proclaim and believe in it, without doubt, you shall not
in another day be under the affliction of the devil. The word is your sword and
it is sharper than two-edged sword (Heb
4:12). The devil is afraid of those who live and have faith in the word.
Jesus has overcome the world (John 16:33).
You have also overcome the
world (1John 5:4). It is written in 1John 2: 13-14 that we have overcome the
evil one and that we are strong and the word of God lives in us. We are called
to live a triumphant life in Christ. We are born again and have received a
higher life because we are seated with Christ Jesus in the heavenly places (Eph. 2: 6). Don’t be panic-stricken!
Rise, shine because the Word is alive and it is active. It never failed the
great men of faith neither will it fail you. You have been born again, not of
perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living word and enduring word
of God (1Pet. 1:23).
Jesus has done it all. He said it is finished
(John 19:30). Believe in his word and
have faith in the word. You can’t fail because you are born of God (John 1:12). Jesus achieved his purpose, and
fulfilled the desires of the Father. Therefore you can’t fail. You will live
and declare the good works of God. Rise. Rise up and take hold of the precious
word of God and begin to live in it. Everything else will pass away but the
word of God is enduring (Matt 24:35).
Believe! Have faith in the word because you are sustained by it.
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