Friday, 4 January 2013

Wake up!!!

Wake up Christians. Wake up people of God. Wake up, you who have been called. Wake up world. Know that the God we serve is not a man, who thinks and works like men. He is incomprehensible, immutable, untamable, un-falsifiable, His ways unknowable. He is eternal.  In Isaiah 55:9, the word of the Lord declares " For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. Why then do we compare our abilities to the Lord's?

It is sad that those who claim to have seen the light many times belittle the living God. It is also demeaning to God for us humans to think that God cannot do the impossible. Stop being a skeptic because that attitude doesn't please God. Is God a mortal, who is bound to sin or a weakness? Is He made of dust like us who lives for a moment, dies and returns to ground? Is He not the God of the beginning and the God of the end? There is nothing that God cannot do. You only have to believe in the power of God.

Wake up and read your Bible. Get to know His word and have a relationship with Him. From Genesis chapter one to Revelation 22, we are introduced to a God whose works, thoughts and ways are just unbelievable? The Bible is not a mythical book that tells some folk tales but it is a book that reveals the origin of the world as well as the future. I don't really care about what scientists and their erroneous findings say. I also don't really care what other religions believe. I won't allow myself to be deceived because I have seen the light and the truth has set me free. And I pray God opens the eyes of people to see the truth.

If the world thinks that there is no way the world could have been created in six days, why don't we tell them to fear the Lord and get real knowledge ( Proverbs 1:7).  One can never have have knowledge of the truth unless they fear the Lord. This is what the word of God says.  Please people of God, know that Jesus is coming for a people who believe in Him as the savior, who are born again and are led by the Spirit of God. Jesus said in John 4:24 that God is Spirit and that those who worship Him must worship in truth and in Spirit. Again, Jesus told Thomas, one the disciples who disbelieved His resurrection that blessed are those who have not seen and yet  have believed. Oh yes it is possible to be a follower of Christ Jesus and still disbelieve. You need the Holy Spirit.

Please, don't be deceived by the fallacies of the world. Believe in Jesus today and He will lead you to the truth. He will show you the path of righteousness because He is the light of the world and you will not live in ignorance and skepticism. Believe in Jesus as your Lord and savior, repent from your sins and you will not be condemned ( Romans 10:9, Mark 16:16). God be with you as you read this. Amen.


  1. Keep em coming brother. I like your passion for God and others.

  2. Thank you Mr. Gary and God bless you. I believe this is our commission to speak the God's word with boldness and in truth.
