For me, firstly, a Christian means a follower of Christ Jesus. Therefore being a Christian is all about doing the will of God (our father) as Jesus told his disciples in Mark 3:35. One might ask; how do you know precisely the will of God and what is the will of God? Some, of course, will disagree.
To explain my point, it's important to understand what will means. According to a legal dictionary, one's will is the legal instrument that permits a person, the testator, to make decisions on how his estate will be managed and distributed after his death. This are two importance things that a will does: 1) It enables a person to select his heirs rather than allowing the state laws to choose the heirs. 2) A will allows a person to decide which individual could best serve as the executor of his "estate" fairly, while protecting their interest rather than allowing the court to appoint a stranger to serve as administrator.
The will of God is the Holy Bible. Again, some people might ask who are the heirs and who is the executor of the will of God? Jesus is the executor of the will of God.
A heir is a person who inherits or is entitled by law or by the terms of a will to inherit the estate of another. According to John 1:12, those who accepts the calling of Christ are given rights to become heirs if we believe and receive Jesus Christ. Therefore we can conclude that Christians are heirs (children of God).
Also, we can confidently say that Jesus is the executor of the will of God. In Matt 28:18, Jesus told his disciples that " All authority in Heaven and on earth has been given to me" attesting to his role as the only lawful executor of God's will. Further, " I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the father except through me" in John 14:6-7 . John 3: 35 and 5:22, 24 also affirm this.
Jesus Christ came to die on the cross for everyone but only those who believe in him receive eternal life. In John 3:16, the Bible tells us that Jesus was sent to the world and that whoever believes in him would not perish. God has called us all to him to be saved.
Therefore, to be a Christian (a follower of Christ Jesus) requires certain responsibilities on our part.
The scripture makes it clear that one has to be invited to become a Christian. There is a calling involved. Matthew 22:14 says, "For many are called, but few are chosen". This shows that before one can claim to be a Christian, he or she needs to respond to the calling. Responding to the invitation involves repenting of one's sins and baptism, receiving and believing in Jesus Christ as the Savior and son of God. By responding to the calling, one gets the right to become a child of God (John 1:12).
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