Friday, 5 December 2014

Vision & Testimony - A must read!

Thank you to all who have been reading my blog. Today, I am going to share one vision I had last Month and a testimony. You will need to read read the whole entry to really understand what it is all about. In Joel 2:28, God said "in the last days, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy,...and your young men will see visions." This is to tell you that God is still speaking to all people through visions and dreams. I will not mention the names of the people in this vision because it is something that involved some of my family members.

So in this vision, I saw a huge glass house and there were security personnel guarding the front door or the entrance to the building. So outside the building were many people, who were going about their daily business. Then, I saw myself, one of my brothers, one of my sisters and my mother walking into the glass building. The interesting thing was that one ought to have a special access before the door will open for you (Just like when you enter through automatic doors at walmart). However, the door did not open for everyone to go through unless one had that access key. Then as we entered into the building, there were many doors and rooms but we entered many rooms and saw ourselves in this one particular room. In this room, we could see what was happening in the world.

I came out again and I was speaking to two of my sisters; sister [ A] and sister [B]. Unfortunately, they could not come inside the building with the rest of my family because the door did not open for them so they were standing outside. Everything both of my sisters were doing was evident for the public to see. So after talking to them for sometime, I went back into the building, the same way as I had entered before. The door opened for me once again and I went inside again. 

In the building, one could see whatever was happening outside but those outside couldn't see whats going on in the building. So when I walked back to where I was before with my mother, brother and other sister, I saw a huge storm/flood that was wiping people, houses and every property away. It was a violent storm and winds were very strong. I thought of my sisters and felt very sad. My mother thought of going out to get them but then she realized that this won't be possible. After few seconds, my dad rushed to the room where we were my with my two sisters and said to us "I got them first before the storm got them". After I saw this vision, I told my parents, brother and sisters about it and we prayed for these two of my sisters [A] & [B] because I understood what the vision meant.

If you are not tired of reading this, then here is the testimony......YOU WILL PRAISE GOD

After about 9 days of seeing this vision, my sister [B] was rushed to hospital because she was bleeding. So, when she got to hospital, they did a scan on her and saw that it was ectopic pregnancy and that she had a perforated uterus. So, they performed a surgery on her to take the dead baby out. This was around 12:30pm. So my sister [B] said after the surgery, she still felt the pains in her abdomen and was crying. The pain was very sharp and couldn't stand it anymore. 

After about 4 hours, another doctor came and decided to do another surgery on my sister after a scan showed that there were still something wrong with her fallopian tubes. As she was going through the second surgery, she said her body became numb. Then she saw her soul out of her body, seeing her body on the operating (surgical table) and a something like a whirlwind came for her. After that she  saw herself in a very dark tunnel. When she found herself there, she said she was scared and terrified because she knew she was not ready. She walked through that dark tunnel. As she got of the tunnel, she saw two angels standing beside the tunnel. 

As soon as she came out of the tunnel, a great light shone so brightly that she could not lift her head but bowed. And she screamed. And a voice came out from the light and said " I AM THE GREAT I AM." The voice continued that He is the LORD and that He is giving her a second chance to go back to the earth and live right. The Lord also told my sister that she had been given a ministry on earth which she has to accomplish. Then, the LORD told her to tell sister [A] to change her ways and use the gift He has given her otherwise she would be punished. For the sake of time, i will not go into further details on specific things. 

However, one cool thing was hat, while the LORD was speaking to my sister, it was coming out her mouth on the surgical bed. The voice was echoing in her. The doctor and nurses were shocked. It sounded like she was prophesying. The doctor and nurses all heard prophecy (The LORD spoke about them and gave them specific words). So everything the LORD was saying to my sister was being heard by the doctor and the nurses in the operation room because it was coming out of her mouth [ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD, WOOOW] And finally, the LORD told my sister [B] to go tell the world that He is coming soon and that they should be ready! Praise God. 

You want to know another cool thing? O our Lord Jesus is good. My sister said she saw mansions, I mean mansions that were far from where she had the encounter, but she could see them. Jesus said in my fathers house there are many mansions (John 14:2).  I am so excited sharing this. So, when she came back to life, she said she was crying so much and asked the doctor for a phone and she called my dad and told him everything. The nurses also shared everything they heard with her and this happened only last month. After she came back to life, the doctor made her stay in the hospital for two more days and did several scans to see if she was okay. And praise GOD, she was good because a miraculous healing happened. Her perforated uterus had been healed and was back to normal. The doctor said he wasn't shocked but awed by God's power.

I know this is a long piece of testimony and vision but I couldn't keep it once my sister [A] asked me to share this on my blog. Praise God. Beloved, thank you for reading this. Everything i shared happened and even there were some that I couldn't share because it was very very personal otherwise it would have been longer than this. I believe in Jesus and I know he is coming back. If you don't know Jesus as your Lord and savior, please I beg you not to waste your time. Because now is the time of salvation. When you die, it will be too late if you didn't know him. Jesus is the Lord.

God bless you and please you can share this. His coming is near.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Vision 2 - Endtime

I hope you have had the chance to read the first vision I posted yesterday but if you have not, please check it out. I am not sharing this to try to convince or scare anyone. I have kept this for a while and if I am sharing this today to the public then it means that God has a specific reason why He wants me to do that. I am hoping that if you are Christian, this will help you in your faith but if you don't know Jesus as your Lord and savior, my prayer is that you will find him because every word of the Bible is true. I believe that God speaks to us through visions, to communicate his purpose and make known his intentions to us.

In Job 33:14-18, the Bible says God speaks to man in visions and dreams to warn us to turnaway from wrong doing and also preserve our life from perishing. In Joel 2:28-29, the word of God tells us that the outpouring of God’s Spirit upon all will make people see visions and dreams as well as prophesy. So this should not be a strange thing to any believer. Here goes the second vision:

In this vision,I saw that the whole world was dark. It was not an evening or night time since there was no moon or sun. I saw darkness. I knew this because everyone was wondering why darkness had covered the whole earth though it was not evening. While many people were terrified of this unexpected or strange thing, we(my mother and siblings) were trying to stop my dad from traveling. My dad was about to travel to another city to city for a conference or an event and looked like I was in Ghana. I remember he was standing beside his car already dressed in his suit and ready to leave.

As we were talking to him, we all heard a very great but loud sound coming from the east direction of the skies. The sound did not last for so long but was so powerful that everyone heard it and looked at that direction. Just after all heard the sound, I saw something coming from the east side of skies which was very bright and shiny. What was amazing was that whenever and where ever that thing (which I will describe) passed, the darkness disappeared and everyone could see the great light. 

What I saw looked like a “golden chariot” [I wish I can describe it in detail] , it was sparkling so beautifully. If there were horses with this chariot, I did not see it. It wasn’t evident to my eyes. All that I saw was what I described. I could draw the image on paper but cannot describe it with words. It was golden but fiery in nature. It was moving from the east of the sky across the west. This chariot I saw was evident to all and in a matte of time, the skies had been brightened by it’s glory or splendor. Then I woke up.

I woke up from this vision very terrified and I was not able to sleep peacefully because the sound I had heard in the vision was  resounding in my ears. Anytime I closed my eyes, it seemed like the fiery chariot was near me or coming towards me.Sometime later I read Isaiah 66:15, which says  "See the LORD is coming with fire, and his chariots are like whirlwind." Also in Matthew 24:29-31 and Mark 13:24-27 tells us that before Jesus comes back again, the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give her light and there shall appear the Son of Man in Heaven. 

I am very optimistic that the Lord showed me this vision to make me understand what time/season we are in according to biblical prophecy.I hope you will be blessed, renewed and be transformed as you read this. Remember, Jesus is the LORD and he is coming back for people who are ready. He is at the door [of your heart] and knocking. Will you open him?

Monday, 17 November 2014

Vision - End time

For long time I have kept the visions and dreams God had been showing me to myself, families and few close friends. But I think it is time I share to everyone so that they will understand that God is sovereign and His will/purpose will prevail. Seeing all these visions have helped me to fear God more, understand God's plan for the world he created and what the end of this dispensation would look like. So without wasting much time, I will share the first one. I will try to share one everyday since they are many.

This vision was about the end time. In the vision, I saw myself in another country other than my country of birth. It looked more like a Western country. In the vision, I saw fire raining down like hailstones. All the beautiful buildings I had seen were collapsing and falling on people who were trying to hide from the fire. I saw many dead bodies with blood oozing out from them lying on the streets and others who were seriously injured by this agony.

So I started walking over the rubble and bodies to find people who I could save. Interestingly, the fire was still falling on people all around me but it was not falling on me. So I saw a man I knew who was crying for help and I reached my hand to help him out of the debris. As soon as I did that, I saw an angel coming down from heaven to where I was. In a matter of second, he was at where I was. He held me and asked "John, what are you doing here?" I responded: I'm trying to save this man."

The angel looked at me again and said, it is too late to save anyone. He held my hand and flew with me to a mountain, a very beautiful mountain. I cannot describe it in words. In that mountain were other people who had been taken out before the fire rained down. And one I thing I saw was that, while standing on the mountain, I could see the hail still falling on the cities and people and everything collapsing but the fire did not come near the mountain. 

When I woke up, I understood the vision completely because in Micah 4:1-2, the word of God says: 
In the last days, the mountain where the LORD's temple is located will be famous. It will be the most important mountain of all. It will stand out above the hills and nations will go to it. People from many nations will go there

Again in Revelations 16:21, the Bible says that from the sky huge hailstones, each weighing about a hundred pounds fell on people. And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the plague was so terrible.

I believe that the Lord showed me this vision which is similar to the one seen by John, the revelator because he wants me to share with the world so that people will know that God is still speaking and is still saving today. I know that many people across the world have also seen similar visions like this one and this goes to show us how much God wants us to know the truth which will set us free from the deception out there.

There is still time for you if you haven't given your life to Jesus. Eternity is real and so is God's compassion, mercies and love for humanity. Seek Him and you will find him. Jesus is nearer than you think.

Thanks for reading this. I will share the next vision shortly. 

Thursday, 24 April 2014


As generations continue to unfold,
The message of the Gospel is being told
To people both young and old
A story which is more precious than gold,
That has power to transform and to mold
The creator’s own words he will not withhold
This is the only pure story which is free, not sold
Open to all humanity either timid or bold
This is the story of our existence and the future we have yet to behold.
The Gospel in plain and simple language, take hold!

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Poem - Born Again

The veil is removed –the new me is unraveled

No more walking in darkness; weakened by hollow philosophies

Now walking in the heavenly light – illuminated the eyes of my heart

To discern the reality of life and mysteries of His indissoluble Kingdom

I soar on the daily relationship with God, his Word a delight to my soul

Memories of yesterday that would invariably pull me back to the old life

Died out without lingering – oh what inexpressible joy to know

This weight that rested on my shoulders has been lifted

This salvation freely gifted

I’m born again
Jesus is my Lord and Savior
I’m born again
My sins washed by the blood of Jesus
I’m born again
Sanctified and justified
I’m born again
Baptized by the Holy Spirit
I’m born again
Assured of eternal life through Jesus
I’m born again
Because I’m in Christ – there is no condemnation

At the restoration of creation, my soul will not suffer damnation

The curtain is torn, salvation is flowing

Christ is risen, his glory is ever glowing

Mounting opposition, yet the saints still stand and growing

The world offers many momentary pleasures

Yet what I have gained in Christ is more than many treasures

Infinite love and enduring wisdom paired, awe in me instill,

Captured my heart; I surrendered to his will.

Friday, 7 February 2014

Poem - Our Lord

In the Lord’s arms, I find love and comfort

Under his outspread wings, I take my refuge

In His presence, I find abundant grace and mercy

Flowing from his throne is wisdom – free of charge

Sweeter than honey is the fountain that quenches my thirst

Through his precious blood, I am forgiven and purified – O yes I am sanctified

The power of his name torments enemies – they flee in haste

By His Spirit, I am helped and encouraged – drawing my strength

Through his angels, I am served and protected

In His word, truth is discovered – truth about the why’s and how’s

In His way, I follow - the path that leads to life eternal

Beautiful is His face – how I wish I was in His presence

Praising Him day and night with the heavenly hosts

Because in His presence, there are no tears or sorrows

On His mountain, Mount Zion – there’s joy unending – where my hope resides.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Jesus is the answer

If you can't find true happiness in life, then you haven't met Jesus yet.  If you can't find the peace that surpasses all understanding, then you haven't truly encountered Jesus yet. And if you're not sure of which path to follow, then you haven't had an experience with Jesus.  Jesus is still calling. He is standing at your door and knocking. Will you allow him to come in and become your friend - someone who will not disappoint you or lie to you. His love for you is unconditional. If your mother or father rejects you, Jesus will never abandon you. 

Since I allowed Jesus into my life, I have joy unspeakable, blessings innumerable and life imperishable. I realized that I could not deal with this pressures of life. I realized that there are unseen forces fighting against me. Because this life is a journey. The journey is not always smooth. There are obstacles on the way, there are principalities who would not give up until they see you fail and fall. The journey is not as as safe as we think. 

Therefore I ask you: Would you want to go on this journey alone or want to go with someone who be by your side till the end? Wouldn't you want someone who can help you back on your feet if you fall? Would you want to go with someone who has overcome these forces we can't see? We all know friends or even families sometimes leave us alone when the journey gets tough. This is because they are humans, with weaknesses like ourselves. 

But in Christ Jesus, you have a friend, a brother and a father who will not leave you when you fall or condemn who you fault. He is a compassionate and loving savior who truly understands our weaknesses. He prays and intercedes for you so that you that the devil will not sift you like wheat. For Christ to die for our sins on the cross and take all our blames shows how much he loves us.

 I have experienced his goodness and mercies; I have tasted his love and compassion and I have received his grace and salvation and I can testify that there is no words that can describe this unending feeling. I will certainly not trade this gift for gold or diamond or even for fame. Jesus is the answer of your problems - your anxieties, depression, worries, broken heart. 

Today is your day. He desires that you call on his name; JESUS, because he is near. He is alive. Jesus is alive. Today is your day. God bless you for reading this.

Email :

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Akwaaba 2014. Happy New Year

Akwaaba is a Ghanaian word that means "welcome." Pronounced (Aqua-a-ba).

 It is exciting to be alive and to see the first day of 2014. Many people who started the previous year with us could not live to see this new year. However we have made it by the special grace of God. Therefore, we should not take it for granted but give glory to God in heaven. It is the Lord who has carried us on his wings from the beginning of last year till now. Great and mighty is our God. Hallelujah. 

What are your goals for 2014? Have you set any plans for 2014? If you haven't done that yet, then you should definitely set a goal for this year because this year is not going to be just another year. I believe it is going to be a year of fulfillment, therefore you should set some goals you want to achieve in life. The Bible says in Proverbs 16:9 that a man's heart plans his way but the LORD directs his steps. Thus, you will need to plan something in order for God to direct you.

God has a great plan for you and I in this year. How do I know that? I know this because the Word of God tells us in Jeremiah 29:11 that the LORD knows His plans for us, a plan to prosper us and not to harm us, a plan to give us hope and future. All you need to do is trust fully in God,be prayerful and have faith. For us to walk with God and have anything from him, we will need to walk by faith and not by sight because without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). 

Above all, we should draw closer to God this year. We should forget about the past failures and move forward. There are new blessings ahead for us but if we give up now, we won't be able to receive all that God has promised to us. Christ Jesus is with us, therefore we should not panic. The road may not be smooth but keep moving and don't look at others. Don't compare yourself with others because each of us carry different burden and different grace that overcomes it. Stay on the narrow road because it leads to eternal life and don't be self centered.We should be generous to the needy and love unconditionally.

Happy New year to all and I pray that this year you will make Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior if you haven't yet met Him. Because He is the redeemer and savior of the world. May the blessings of God be upon everyone and may he give us peace that surpasses all understanding.