It is exciting to be able to blog again after taking a very long break from here. Thanks to the Lord Most High, who has blessed and favored me. I am thankful to be alive and happy to talk about Jesus Christ the savior of the world.
For me, the good thing about living in this generation is that we have Christ Jesus unlimited. One does not need to be in Jerusalem in order to hear about Jesus or to walk on the path Jesus walked in order to feel his presence. Also, we don't need to be baptized only in the river Jordan to receive the Holy Spirit, and one does not also need to be fluent in Greek or Hebrew in order to understand the depth of God's love for humanity.
What this means is that we have Jesus Christ unlimited. In addition, He gives the Holy Spirit to all people who receive Him. He is available, so call on Him today. He loves who you, he cares for you and will not let you be ashamed. It is written in the Word that we should cast all our cares upon him because he cares for us (1Peter 5:7). What a gracious and loving God He is.
I do not know how the year 2013 turned out to for you, but you do not need to be afraid in the coming year. All you need to do is to commit your life and all your ways to Jesus and he will give you peace, joy and fulfill the desires of your heart. He is waiting for you. He yearns to embrace you and welcome you into the Kingdom of God. I do not know what the year 2014 is going to bring, but one thing I am sure of is that my life is hidden in Christ Jesus and nothing can separate me from the love of God.
Christ Jesus is coming again. You don't need to pay to be part of the Kingdom of God. All you need is to make the decision to follow Jesus today. God bless you as you read this.